Perf Damage
Perf Damage
Adam Takeover: Action Movies | Episode 28
Charlotte is still out this week, so Adam invites his longtime friend and Screenwriter Shawn Knox to co-host a discussion about Action movies. Shawn chooses a long-lost gem with a stellar cast Let's Get Harry. While Adam chooses a lesser known Chuck Norris film, Silent Rage, that mixes action and horror. They talk about sifting through films to find gems and how action is such an expansive genre that it encompasses multiple sub-genres.
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Adam: Welcome back, everybody to Perf Damage. This is gonna be a special episode. Charlotte's outta town. She can't be here. So I have a special guest host this week. He's my best friend. I've known him since grade school. His name is Sean. He's a screenwriter. Sean, I'm gonna let you introduce yourself.
Shawn: Hi, I'm Sean Knox. My first feature is gonna be coming out this fall. It's called Night Games. It's a horror thriller with a lot of action it'll be coming out late summer, probably early fall, so we'll keep you posted.
Shawn: The teaser currently is on. The new trailer will be coming out shortly,
Adam: yeah. And we'll leak that on Instagram and all that kind of stuff so everybody can watch it. For sure.
Shawn: Also have a martial arts script and development called Lethal Vengeance, which will hopefully be in production soon.. You can look up the trailer and the teaser on YouTube.
Adam: Awesome. Can't wait. Yes, it's gonna be great. It should be exciting. And that is why we have you here today, right? You are the action guru. Yes, sir.
Adam: Hey, as long as I've known you, you have been the action guy.
Shawn: Oh, yeah. Yeah. It started with ninja movies red
Adam: Dawn, Hey, used to make Ninja movies. That's the best part about it. That is true. So we all made movies when we were younger and Sean Knox made ninja movies. And there were so much fun to watch.
Shawn: That is very true. Yeah, the backyard on the gym sets and everything else. Yeah. Fun times. For sure.
Adam: All right. So this week we're gonna talk about action movies. Correct. So Sean has picked one that maybe not a lot of people have heard
Shawn: of. So we're gonna talk about, let's get Harry
Adam: do you want to read the synopsis for that? Yes.
Shawn: When Columbian revolutionaries kidnapped an American engineer. His brother and friends faced with official inaction, hire mercenary and amount the rescue operation themselves. The film came out in 1986, has a runtime, one hour and 42 minutes, and it was directed by Stuart Rosenberg.
Adam: So this is a deep cut. This is not one that a lot of people have seen, right?
Shawn: Probably not. It's never had a true DVD release or Blu-ray release or 4k, anything like that. It is currently on Amazon Prime. The way we watched it as kids was on
Adam: vh
Shawn: vhs or heavy HBO o replay for sure.
Shawn: So that's how I discovered it and it just became kind like a cult classic. I've watched it. A ton along with Red Dawn, Cobra, all the action movie rotation. But it never really got the love it deserved. I didn't think so. It's got a stellar cast.
Adam: We got Jake Ryan from 16 Candles. Michael's shuffling. Shuffling, I believe. Yeah. Biff Tann from Back to the Future. Tom Wilson. We got one of the Eagles, Glen Fry. We got Freddy Shoot from summer school. Mark Harmon. Yeah. Or you could even say Ted Bundy from Deliberate Stranger Mark Harmon.
Adam: It's true. You got slider from Top Gun, Rick roic. Yeah. And you got Gary Busey and nothing else needs to be said about Gary Busey. And don't forget Robert. Oh, and Robert Deval, so as the Merc Academy Award winner, right?
Adam: As academy winner? Academy winner, exactly. I believe so. So I'm pretty sure he has. Yeah.
Shawn: Yeah. Who plays a great part with the recruited mercenary who has to lead the friends into Columbia to rescue Mark Harmon. Yeah,
Adam: this is one of a bunch of films during that time period where it was what would you say?
Adam: Not military people, but no
Shawn: civilians, civilians taken up action. It was definitely Reagan era you had that whole bravado between Iran contra the hostage situations on the planes, and it was very popular at the time. Americans going in to kick ass wherever people were taking hostage or who we were having aggressions with whether it be the Russians, whether it be the Iranians, we just went in and kicked ass, or they invaded us like an invasion usa.
Shawn: Which we'll get to Chuck Norris movie Invaders. Oh, definitely.
Adam: For sure. But yeah, so yeah. I, this is one of that whole series of films where you had civilians going in because the government wouldn't step in wouldn't do what they were supposed to do and rescue these people that were being held.
Adam: And a normal American had to go in and do it. Yep. Exactly.
Shawn: Not only a normal man, his brother, the family bond. Yeah. And the friends growing up, so Yeah.
Adam: Yeah. It was Harry's brother Corey. Exactly. Had to step in. Exactly. Yeah. So that sub genre, what else did we had? You.
Adam: Missing in action in 84, right? Go. You could, yeah, you could throw in missing in action. Oh, wait. Uncommon Valor before that in 83, right? Yep. Uncommon Valor.
Shawn: Oh, Rambo First Blood part two. Yeah, for sure.
Adam: 1985. Yep. Iron Eagle 86.
Shawn: Yep. They even tried to do it obviously with the teen audience with a movie called The Rescue Yeah. these were really popular. Top Gun to an extent. Even though we never really truly know who the is.
Shawn: Yeah. You know what?
Adam: Top Gun though I don't understand what even happens. All of a sudden these guys are being called to action. Exactly. Nobody even knows why, what exactly and why them, there's actual professionals at this point. These guys just graduated from school pretty much.
Adam: It doesn't make any sense. Exactly. It's awesome though. It is great, right?
Shawn: Oh, absolutely.
Adam: So Director Stuart Rosenberg, this guy came outta television. He directed a bunch of Twilight Zone episodes and raw Hide, basically anything that came out. He had, he directed an episode or two of yep. But he hit big with the film. Cool. Hand Luke in 1967. Yep. Classic. Paul Newman
Shawn: film.
Adam: Classic. Paul Newman, right? Yep. Yep. He did the Lou Harper film drowning Pool. Yep. He did Amityville Horror in 1979. Brewbaker Brewbaker. Yes.
Shawn: Yep. Voyage of the Damp, Amityville Horror, like you said.
Adam: Yep. Popa Greenwich Village, 1984. Amazing film. So this guy, he was a legit director.
Adam: Oh, yeah.
Shawn: Yeah. And his name is not on the movie.
Adam: Exactly. Yeah. So this movie was released as an Allen Smithey film?
Adam: If you want to hear more about Alan Smithy, go back to our perf damage episode about Alan Smithy. We have a whole episode dedicated to films released without the director's name on it. And Alan Smithy is that director. Nice. Do you know why that happened?
Shawn: I know some of the story, but I know you know it probably a little bit better than I do.
Shawn: I believe there was an issue with the studio and Mark Harmon in wanting him to be more profiled. Let's say, let's put him more into the movie because his star was on the rise at the time. And doesn't sound like Mr. Rosenberg was too keen on that
Adam: idea. Yeah. In Rosenberg's first cut. Yeah.
Adam: He didn't appear until they actually rescued him.
Shawn: Yeah. Cuz the beginning of the movie, for those who haven't seen it, Harmon is at in an oil plant, I believe, and that's where he gets kidnapped. But I think that was all shot after the fact. Yeah. So it gives Harmon more screen time.
Adam: Yeah. The current version, Mark Harmon is the center of the film. Harry Yep. That they have to rescue. But that was not originally how it was conceived. Yeah. During the editing of the film Tristar took it away, from Rosenberg, and they went back and hired another director to go and shoot extra scenes that included mark Carmen.
Adam: So anytime you see Mark Carmen through the film until the very end are all added scenes. That includes the very beginning, like Sean was talking about. Yep. Where he's abducted. Cool scene. Actually. I really like that scene. It's a really good scene. Yeah. And it sets up the whole movie. Yep. So I think that was actually a good addition.
Adam: And then there are periodic check-ins with him throughout the film, which is super weird, right?
Shawn: Yeah, exactly. Cuz like they show him, being held
Adam: hostage. He tries to escape the one time sandwich camp and everything. Yep. Oh yeah. It seems like the guy who's holding him hostage is constantly checking in with him to see if it's okay.
Adam: Hey we talked to the Americans, they're not dealing with us, but you should, Yep. Maybe be worried that I'm gonna kill you. That happens two or three times during the film just to get more Mark Harmon time in basically. Exactly. Exactly. So yeah, Rosenberg was not happy with that.
Adam: Who else wasn't happy with that? Robert Duvall not happy with that at all. Really? Yeah. He was really upset with the finished film because they had to trim a bunch of his scenes. To add those scenes in. So the whole training sequence with all the guys that got cut out, it's weird because they take all these guys that are from some, middle America town Yep.
Adam: They're plumbers pretty much. Yeah, plumbers. Yeah, exactly. And all of a sudden they're commandos at the end of the film. They had a great teacher, so they did. But you don't get to see him teach them. Don't see, exactly. Yeah, exactly. And that is a scene that got edited out.
Adam: Yeah, unfortunately. Exactly.
Shawn: And they don't have a lot of time, truth be told it works though because they have a, a very fun scene with take an ad out of basically soldier Fortune, I believe, where the newspaper and they're interviewing a bunch of potential mercenary for hires that they want to basically lead them into Columbia defined Harry.
Shawn: And you get the martial artist, the hardcore psycho got a kind of the guy outta a stripes, touch me and I'll kill you type of guy. You got the Rambo character,
Adam: you got the money guy. The money. Exactly.
Shawn: The money guy. And then at the very end, when all hope seems lost, Deval comes in, he's basically a straight shooter.
Shawn: There's an interaction with Deval and Tom Wilson. That's pretty funny to show that Deva is the kind of a No, don't wanna really mess with the guy. So then they ultimately hire Deval and they're underway. Yeah. But getting to Deva is a more exciting story because that's where Gary Busey.
Shawn: And Busey is just a gold mine of one-liners and just an amazing character. Jack Abernathy, one of my all-time favorite movie characters is just Hams It Up, does an amazing job. Gets an unfair end if you ask me, but he goes out with one of the best lines he's talking about the Columbian drug Lord kidnapping her and basically says did not exact quote the line, but basically you little shit, I'll have you on a stick.
Shawn: Cuz he's a hunter it's funny stuff and he has a little knife and but he takes out the henchman in the process, allowing Harry's. To save the day and kill the main bank. Yeah. He
Adam: has a good arc. Yeah, he has a great arc. He comes out as a blow hard asshole type of guy, but we love him as a whole.
Adam: Yeah. No, he's asshole. That's Gary Busey,
Shawn: He's very much a car salesman. That's his whole job. His mo and how they get Gary Busey is pretty amazing because Gary Busey is also a hunter. And Glenn Fry actually delivers a great speech on how they're gonna get Gary Busey to fund their trip to
Adam: Columbia.
Adam: Yeah. That's one of the best scenes in the movies really,
Shawn: is they're in the they're in the dealership and they all come out, hands out, out. Malcolm and Busey basically is looking around and in the dealership, Jack Abernathy has all of his trophy kills, or the, their heads
Adam: are mounted on the wall.
Adam: Heads mounted all around.
Shawn: Yeah. Yep. Heads are mounted on the wall. And he's wow, all these must cost a pretty pity. And obviously Abernathy is very excited and tells, oh yeah, this costs so much. I just did a trip in Africa, cost this much. Wow. As he's telling this story, he realizes that basically he's talking about funding with the money they would need to fund the trip.
Shawn: And Busey admits that, okay, you
Adam: got me, he got me. So you got me. And then he tries to hire Glen Fry as one of his salesmen. Exactly. Which is
Shawn: great. Yep. Exactly. Hires Fry as a salesman. Busey, a k a Jack, Aber Anthony in the film says, if I'm gonna pay for a hunting trip, the rule is I get to go on it and the adventure basically
Adam: begins.
Adam: Yeah. So he's the money guy basically the entire time. Yep. Did you know that he and Tom Wilson did not get along at all during the film? Did not. Did not. Yes. Really. Like at all. They butted heads the entire time apparently. Oh wow. They were not friends really. So much so that Tom has a song called The Question Song that he would play on stage when he did standup.
Adam: And in that song he says, who's the nicest famous guy you've ever met? And he says, oh, that's Adam Sandler. And it says, who's the worst famous guy you've ever met? Oh, that's Gary Busey and it's from this movie. Really? Let's get Harry. Yeah. Oh, very interesting.
Adam: Yeah,
Shawn: Like I said, he's a very iconic character. One of my favorite Busey characters, I would say outside of Point Break. And I The Tiger of course, and Mr. Joshua, now I'm going on and on and about Busey.
Adam: Busey is the best though. You don't have to say anything about Busey.
Adam: Oh, Busey is in the film. So he's Busey. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. That's the best part about Busey. Yep. Yeah. You put him in a movie, it doesn't matter what his character is. Yep. He's just gonna be busey. Yep, exactly. Exactly. And that's why he's just magic on screen,
Shawn: Another little side note real quick, the score of this movie is pretty fantastic.
Shawn: That was very much out of print. I believe it still is out of print. Brad Fidel, right? Brad Fidel, who did Terminator. Yeah. Who did True Lie. A lot of camera films. True Lies. It's Fright Night. One
Adam: of my favorites Fright Night film. This one, I noticed while I was watching the movie, how much It sounded like Fright Night.
Adam: Yeah. Because it's pretty close. Friday night was 85
Shawn: it is just an amazing score. Really sets the tone. And Rosenberg actually did a really good job of capturing, the Midwest, Chicago, guys growing up in that time period.
Shawn: I thought the comradery of the friendships so he really knocks it out of the park. You really like these guys, all the characters are good. Glen Fry's kinda like the party guy, the brother, he's always in Harry shadow too.
Shawn: And even with the dad, there's a couple scenes that are poignant where, he is like, Harry would've done this Harry. And likes the brother that actually has to go in and save him. You know these guys for sure.
Shawn: And I think that's what made it relatable back in the days too, yeah. I, he's especially the eighties cause these like eighties
Adam: guys, he does that with economy too. Yeah. There's not a whole lot of time up front. Maybe 20 minutes. Yep. Setting up the film where you get to know the guys.
Adam: And he does it really well.
Shawn: Yeah. Like you, it just feels like guys in the Midwest in all honesty, very accurate
Adam: portrayals in my Yeah. Tom Wilson's character has a come to Jesus moment when the shit hits the fan, right?
Adam: Yep. And he freezes. Yeah. And he causes strike to die. Yeah. Strike saves his life. And he dies. Exactly. Because the strike
Shawn: is Robert Duvall. Yes. Just in case
Adam: we didn't tell you story.
Shawn: So guy's kind of saving them as well. Shrike dies a heroic death, so he dies.
Shawn: Even though he gets pretty messed up. So it's not the best death, but he does get
Adam: taken out. Tom Wilson realizes I think up till that point, it's all a game to him. Because the reality hasn't set in, but once he causes the death of their leader strike, at that point he realizes that he has to step up.
Adam: And he does. He does. He does. Yeah. Exactly. And the end,
Shawn: Exactly. Busey. Unfortunately, his arc is he understands that he's an asshole. Which I thought they never should have done that because he is about to. Assault the woman they take. Oh he does.
Adam: He burns her with his cigar.
Adam: He's burned with a
Shawn: cigar. He does. Yeah. Then he pull out information and then he apologizes and he apologizes because Harry's brother comes in and saves the day. And it basically is gonna, for some reason they're so deep in the jungle is gonna kick Gary Busey out of the group. I don't know where Bruce.
Shawn: Yeah. I don't know where they're gone.
Adam: Yeah. But hey, that brings up another thing, how the hell did they even get outta here? That place in the middle of Columbia. Shrike is the guy that set everything up for them. Yeah. They saved Harry and then it cuts to them at home.
Adam: Like how did the hell did they get out of there? I feel like that was something that hit the cutting room floor.
Shawn: Yeah. Probably did. Cuz I mean there is a scene where they have the ambassador that comes to gets them and they jump off the plane. Yeah.
Adam: And there's that weird guy that was definitely CIA that's Hey guys, it's good to see another American. They're like, no, we're Canadians. Yeah. Andre totally.
Shawn: CIA guy who deva kills their informant in the in his drug range after he gets tortured. So yeah, if I remember correctly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, the getting from Columbia
Adam: back to the United States Yeah, they just gloss over that.
Adam: Exactly. It's okay though. But it's okay cuz they saved him. Hey, we're all happy at the end. Anyway. It's a very happy ending. It's a very eighties ending. Pretty much.
Shawn: Yeah. There is no such thing as no man left behind in this movie cuz Busey Ang Duval are just left and close. Yeah.
Adam: Totally left behind.
Adam: Exactly.
Shawn: So sad. It's sad. Exactly.
Adam: Hey, but Tom Wilson makes it through, so it's all
Shawn: good. Tom Wilson does make it through
Adam: Yeah. Biff Tannin makes it through
Shawn: guys. Yeah. And unfortunately Rick Rossovich as y'all might know his slider and Classic, some classic eighties stuff.
Shawn: I think he'd had a USA show he doesn't get to join them on the mission because, he has a baby on the way, so he has to stay home and Yeah. He
Adam: bails when he gets the chance. Yeah. He couldn't do it. But nobody blames him.
Adam: Nobody blames him. Wait, when Harry comes home, he gives him big hug. Yeah.
Shawn: There's a stand up. Like you're thinking, okay, are they gonna get in this tussle? Cuz it's you didn't come with us to save me. But no, they just embraced us. Yeah. And
Adam: it's all happy. Hey, he came originally. That's all that matters.
Adam: Exactly. He made the effort. Exactly.
Shawn: Exactly.
Adam: So this came out October 31st, 1986. Halloween. Yep. That's a great choice. In only 133 theaters though. Ouch. And made a whole domestic total of $141,000. So that's probably why this movie isn't remembered super well or represented in a lot of ways.
Adam: Yeah. It's also a time when Tristar was, is doing a lot of mergers. Coca-Cola bought them and then they actually dropped the Tristar name altogether. They were renamed Columbia Oh, wow. For a long time. Tristar didn't come back again until the late eighties, and then it went away again, Tristar just recently came back again.
Adam: Yeah. That it's like the little production company that, they could, so they could, yeah. Movie was originally supposed to be directed by Samuel Fuller. Yes, it was. That's why he has a story by credit at the beginning. Yep. He was set to direct it. And that was originally in 1981. This movie didn't come out until 1986.
Adam: Yeah. It went through a bunch of permutations in between.
Shawn: Which happens. If you're a Gary Busey fan, it's gotta be top three. And if you haven't seen it, I'd highly recommended it cuz you got point break.
Shawn: You gotta go I the tiger, his action stuff. Obviously I'm not gonna get into Yeah Buddy
Adam: Holly story. One party buddy Holly. Yeah.
Shawn: Cause obviously we know he is a great actor. Yeah. I would go, like I said for busey. Got point break, lethal weapon. Let's get Harry and Aye The Tiger are my top four Puy films.
Shawn: Yeah. Without questions, so yeah. Lethal
Adam: Weapon's Amazing. Yeah. Lethal Weapon's. Amazing.
Shawn: Mr. Joshua Classic. Yeah. Mr. Joshua. But he's not, he's secondary villain. So
Adam: What about Predator Two? I thought Predator two. Oh,
Shawn: he's amazing. Predator Two. That's true. So great Death as well. It's just pure action with BC actually involved in the action, like hardcore. Yeah, definitely. I said, top three with point breaking lethal weapons.
Adam: Yeah. If you had to pair this with another film, like a double feature, what'd you go with?
Adam: Oh, so you got the min on a mission Yeah. Sort of thing.
Shawn: I think Uncommon Valor, which you brought up earlier. Yeah. Would be a good one. That is a good one. Like I said if you wanted to go the teen route, to keep the eighties theme going. Irony.
Shawn: Eagles a classic. A little known one, do you remember The Rescue? I don't remember. About the kids that go to Russia to say I think this is their parents that get kidnapped.
Shawn: It was like the, when we were talking about it, it's the rescue. Yeah. Pretty good. But yeah, I would say Uncommon Valor would definitely be a good movie to tag up with it. Yeah.
Adam: What was the first movie we saw together, I think Leviathan. That was in Leviathan. Yeah. Yes. We were in , which was I did for sixth grade.
Adam: Yeah. I talked Levi, I, my mom into taking us to, it
Shawn: Leviathan was either my first or second. Robocop , in Leviathan were my, either the first or second movies I saw. That was an all rated movie.
Shawn: Robocop was a big deal cuz my dad took me to Robocop after a soccer game and she's don't tell your mom we're gonna go see this movie. I was like, cool. And then we wound up to see Robocop and I thought it was the scariest and greatest thing I ever saw in my life.
Shawn: All at the same time. Oh, absolutely. I was just sitting there in awe. Scared to death when Murphy gets his hand blown off and, just blown to shit. Yeah. But everything else after that was just mind blowing. And to this day, one of the greatest sci-fi action still holds up. Ever made. Still holds up.
Shawn: Yep. Thanksgiving.
Adam: Very influential. Absolutely. That's my Thanksgiving movie. Here you go. Exactly. If you'd like to hear about Robocop, go back to our Thanksgiving episode. There
Shawn: you go. Good plug. Good plug. Yeah, and once again when you watch, let's get here. If you hear me said probably a couple times as this interview, good plug.
Shawn: Good plug or Good job. Good job. That's a great line with Busey. When they say they hired Duval as a Mercer, he gives a big thumbs up and says, good move. Good move. Classic
Adam: line. It is. It's so good. That's Busey just being busey. Exactly. It really is. Exactly. You just let that guy go.
Adam: Okay, so my choice for action film this week is a little No Chuck Norris film called Silent Rage, 1982 directed by Michael Miller t r t. One hour and 43 minutes, a sheriff tries to stop the killing spree of a silent, maniacal murderer, who as the result of secret genetic experimentation. By an unethical scientist has the ability to self-heal.
Adam: I know why I was drawn to this movie as a kid. It's the first time that Chuck Norris stepped into the horror thriller arena and for me it was him versus Michael Myers, basically. Yeah, pretty much. I agree. Yeah. It was the biggest kung fu badass versus the unkillable killer.
Adam: How does he do it? Yep. Yep. And they deliver in this film it's pretty awesome. No. Yeah, it's really solid. mean, Especially for the time in 82, like this is a very solid American action film.
Shawn: Yep. His first foray into this type of film, Borderline last foray into this film
Adam: type of film. Certainly in the grimy, this feels like a regional film.
Adam: It does not feel like a major film put out by a studio. Agree. And it was, which is crazy. Yep. To think it's filled with nudity. Yep. It's got all kinds of weirdness with Stephen first
Shawn: biker games,
Adam: strange comedy. Yeah. It's just it's a strange movie. Yeah. And I think that's why I like it so much.
Shawn: From the jump, the opening sequence, it's pretty wild. The guy is going basically crazy in the house. And you'll hear a lot of screaming. So don't let that put you off because
Adam: Yeah. Like the first 10
Shawn: minutes of the film. Exactly. Yeah. Is the woman in the house just screaming?
Shawn: Very loud. It would drive me
Adam: crazy too though, if the guys renting a room in this house and this lady in her children are just insanely loud and it's mixed at a point where it's just really annoying to your ears too. It is. It is. Yeah. And so you feel what he's feeling as he's slowly going insane.
Adam: These people are driving him nuts and he's already an unbalanced person cuz he calls his doctor slash scientist. Yep. And and he says, Hey, I'm going nuts. You guys should come and get me. And then he robotically walks out of the house, grabs an ax, and walks into the house and kills. Not only the lady who's making a lot of noise, but her husband as well.
Adam: Her husband as well. Yeah. Kids are okay. Kids are okay
Shawn: though. The husband, you would never know cuz he kinda just pops up
Adam: randomly. So Yeah. You're not introduced him until he walks into frame and gets chopped in the head.
Shawn: Exactly. I think the first time I saw, I didn't even realize it was her husband, I was like, who is this
Adam: guy?
Adam: It is very strange. Yeah, exactly. Like it's almost like a guy enters from offscreen. Yeah. He gets hit in the head and then dies into frame
Shawn: and then with his wife beater on. So yeah, that's all he's wearing. So was he in the can? Where was he? What was he
Adam: like? It was, it's the South. It's true.
Adam: It's Texas. It's Texas. This was shot in Dallas, Texas. Yep. Also this was the very first movie that Chuck Norris produced with his top Kick Productions production company that he formed with his brother Aaron. Yeah, they did this, they did Lone Wolf McQuaid in 83 after this. Cool.
Adam: Yep. Good. And then they produced the entire run of Walker, Texas Stranger from 1993 to 2001. How did that last that long? It's insane to me to think that ran that long. I've probably seen five episodes yeah. So they shot this for 4.5 million. It went on to be a solid double 10 and a half million dollars domestic. It probably made way more overseas. We will never know. In 1982. That's magic money. There was no telling you how much they made overseas and I'm sure this movie made a lot of money.
Shawn: And if you were to watch this movie right now? I think the only place outside of, if you wanted to pick it up on dvd, I'm not sure if I had a blueray release, but I did though. I have that one It is Okay. Yeah. Cool. It's on Tuby. I think that's the only place it's currently like stream streaming as far without having to pay for a rental yeah.
Adam: Yeah. And my disk is a Mill Creek. Okay. Blu-ray. And it's an awesome triple feature.
Shawn: Oh yes it was.
Shawn: White Line Fever. White Line Fever. Yep. And you got
Adam: Is it Blind Fury?
Adam: Yeah. Blind Fury and Blind Fury. Yeah. With Rutgers Hower. Classic. Awesome movie, actually. We totally could have made this podcast. Could Donny y
Shawn: saying so
Adam: and Donny n does it better. Oh, I don't know. He does the action's way better. Come on. It's John Wick.
Adam: Yeah, of course. It's Donny y He's amazing. No, Donny Yn was great. This is he was what made that movie for me, honestly. John Wick four.
Shawn: Yeah. I gotta go with my guy, even though he is only in one sequence. I'll go with Atkins.
Shawn: So Atkins
Adam: was awesome. Yeah. So what was that character's name?
Shawn: Killer. Wish he would've done a little bit more, but he did a great job. That
Adam: was awesome though. That was a great sequence. It was. Yeah. I that question. Okay. Scott Atkins movies.
Adam: Wait. We're gonna diverge for one second and talk about Scott Atkins movies. Scott Atkins movies. So what's your favorite Scott Atkins movie where he stars?
Shawn: You gotta go boyko up there. A Venge. I
Adam: was gonna say ave a ve that's
Shawn: probably my favorite. Boy. Could Benjamin the Ninja series is really tight.
Shawn: Oh, there's so many. What is the one
Adam: you just watched Cat Collectors recently that you said it was really good?
Shawn: Accident Mans are pretty solid. Definitely a Benjamin Boyk and the Ninja Series are probably my favorite stuff. His debt collectors is is right behind him too yeah. I
Adam: definitely agree with a Benjamin being an excellent film.
Adam: Yeah. That people, yeah. Venge is top notch, so it's so grounded and real and the fight scenes are amazing in that
Shawn: just a gritty, hard no holds Bard action movie and
Adam: super real like that in scene with him. In those guys in the pop. Yeah. Oh my god, it's so good. Yeah. Yeah.
Adam: Scott Atkins is a badass. Yeah. I think most people probably know Scott Atkins from the Marvel movies, right? Yeah. He was in Dr. Strange. Yeah. He had a big part in Dr.
Shawn: Strange. Yeah. Expendables too. Oh yeah. Yep. He was one of the heaviest one of the villains.
Shawn: But those were probably his two main outside of, John Wick has two, big Hollywood movies, he's one
Adam: of the last real stars, outside of, Hong Kong. Although they're not making them as like they used to. No,
Shawn: exactly. Yeah, exactly.
Adam: So he's one of the last guys really doing it for real.
Shawn: No, yeah. Yeah. He just, yeah, check him out if you haven't seen him. He's amazing. I recommend him to everybody, especially everybody that loves action movies and martial arts films, cuz he is best in the business if you ask me.
Adam: Yeah. I feel like we should do another podcast on just martial arts films.
Adam: Oh, that would be a blast. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Because there's so many, I purposefully did not pick. A martial arts film for this, even though I'm super into them right now.
Shawn: Yeah. Let's choose Chuck Norris. So we've got a little bit Yeah.
Adam: Yeah. Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris.
Adam: It's still American. I didn't pick a Hong Kong action film sure. On purpose, but I feel like we should do No, absolutely. That would be a fun one with
Shawn: the influence of all those movies onto movies we see today mean even the modern, martial arts films like the Villainist, with the motorcycle action sequences, which has now been copied so many times.
Shawn: Or
Adam: The Raid or the raid. Jesus, the raid, when that movie came out, it was mind
Shawn: blowing. Oh, absolutely. In my opinion. No offense to John White, but I think it's the best action movie of the 21st century. So yeah, I
Adam: would say that too. I would say it's probably the best modern action film.
Adam: Yeah. It's a iconic, yeah. And I would say the second movie not the movie itself, but some of the sequences in it were, yeah. Probably even better than the first movie. Oh, without
Shawn: question. Yeah. Yeah. And shameless plug the Raid is also basis for Lethal Vengeance, which hopefully goes into production this year.
Shawn: We'll see. Awesome. I like that. Yeah. Yeah. The Raid meets blood sport basically. So Champion that movie, everybody out there, so hopefully Yeah, we all wanna see
Adam: that. Exactly right. He doesn't wanna sneak, we're gonna see it with Scott Atkins stirring in it blood sports. Yeah. Yeah and ico, iWay or whatever his name is.
Adam: Ico. Ico, yeah exactly. That's the other guy. We wanna see that. Yeah, we wanna see that guy too. Yeah. Yeah. He kicks ass for sure. Headshot. Headshot. Yeah. So good in that too.
Shawn: He wasn't snake eyes. But they completely wasted him in snake eyes. Yeah. It was a total waste. Yes. Yeah. It's like you actually have somebody who's a badass marshaller and they cut away from it.
Shawn: The guy that placed snake highs couldn't handle it, but yeah, that guy
Adam: couldn't handle him. Exactly. That was the only scene we really wanted to see, and they cut away from it. Yeah. Yeah. That movie was infuriating actually. Absolutely. Yes. It was. Because it, they set up all this awesome stuff and it just didn't happen.
Adam: Yep, yep alright, so let's get back to silent, right?
Adam: Yeah. Silent rate. I like these divergences though. This is directed by Michael Miller who came out the Roger Corman's School of Directing. He directed a movie in 1975 called Street Girls and he also directed a very early Tommy Lee Jones film, Jackson County Jail, 1976.
Adam: And in the same year that he directed Silent Rage, 1982, he also directed National Lamp's Class reunion, which I absolutely love that movie. It's pretty terrible. But it's a fun lampoon on the slasher genre. Yes, it is. Yeah. And I like those kind of comedy versions of that. Absolutely. Student Bodies? Yes. Student Bodies. Yeah. I love that movie. Yeah, it's classic. Like I feel like more people should see that movie. Oh, for sure. Yeah, for
Shawn: sure. It's forgotten Another Forgotten Slasher with Ladies, so Yeah. And
Adam: It's a lampoon of the eighties, very early in the cycle too, 1981. So
Shawn: it's Pit wasn't in that, he was in cutting class, right?
Shawn: Yeah. Cutting class.
Adam: Okay. Yeah, that's later. Yeah,
Shawn: 87 or something. Okay. Oh, that late. Wow. That makes sense, yeah. Yeah. And
Adam: Jill Scholin is also in Jill Scholin.
Shawn: Yeah. Stepfathers. Yeah. The late Great. Ron Silver. Is in this movie so early. Ron
Adam: Silver. Yep. Yep. Eup before he became the heavy bad guy always. Yep.
Shawn: Pre Blue Steel.
Adam: Yep. Blue Steel changed his whole career trajectory. Yep. Time cop ,
Shawn: yeah. No, absolutely.
Adam: Yeah. He played a bad guy pretty much after that.
Adam: Always.
Shawn: Yep. Yep. So would you rank silent raise your favorite Chuck Norris movie? Or is it in your top
Adam: five? I would say it's in my top five for sure. I would not say it's my favorite. I would say my absolute favorite is Invasion USA quote.
Shawn: Good Move. Yeah.
Adam: Yeah. I love that movie. It's a classic cannon film.
Shawn: Christmas Take What it, Christmas or Christmas Classic A week if you wanna, yeah. Christmas
Adam: Classic. Oh, dude. We should do that for Christmas this year. Absolutely. Yeah. That would be a great one.
Shawn: Yep.
Adam: Great. Mossy, like in that whole diehard tradition of action movies set at Christmas time.
Shawn: Yeah. Lethal Weapon. Lethal Weapon, Busey and Norris together. So there you go.
Adam: Yeah. What would you say your favorite is?
Shawn: I agree with you. Invasion usa way of the dragon. If
Adam: I didn't do a top three, it would probably be, I'm just saying Chuck Norris starring films, right?
Adam: Way of the Dragon he's not the star of that film, but it was the movie that broke him for sure. No, absolutely. You gotta probably put that in the top three just because it's, the movie that made Chuck Dorris. Yeah. I don't know. What would I put next after that though?
Adam: Would I go Octagon? What about force Vengeance, force of wine. Good guys don't wear black. Man. Someone where he kicks through the, that's one he kicks through the car. In the car. Yeah. Yeah. And that's
Shawn: so iconic sequence. Yeah. It's a good sequence. I don't know. Definitely not sidekicks. Yeah.
Adam: No. Or Fire Walker.
Adam: Or Fire Walker. Or Hellbound. Or Hellbound. Hell bounds a horror film. So he did a cycle of horror thrillers. He did this movie in 82, which is definitely the most hardcore version of this kind of film that he did.
Adam: And then he did Hero And The Terror. Hero And The Terror, which was 1988. And that's a Cannon film. Yeah. Also. But that one's really it's R-rated, but it, I don't even know why.
Shawn: There's not much to it. Unlike, unlike silent Rage, which is very
Adam: Rs Yeah. It's definitely a hard R on that one.
Adam: Yeah. It's got that kind of grungy seventies feel to it still. And like regional filmmaking too. It feels it was, it, they made it in Dallas, Texas. It feels like a Dallas, Texas movie. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. It does not feel like a major release from that year. Yep. And then he did Hellbound in 99.
Adam: Yeah. That was a, that was later. Yeah, much later. That was molded, like heavily muled and bearded. Bearded and Awesome. For sure. Yeah, for sure. But it was like much in that cycle, like end of days for Schwartzenegger. Correct. It was like that kind of weird end of the world type of
Shawn: film. Yeah. I haven't seen that one in a
Adam: long time.
Adam: Me neither. This is Chuck Norris's first appearance as a Texas Ranger, right? Yes. Yes it is. He plays a Texas Ranger in this film.
Adam: Which he goes on to play. Walker, Texas Rangers Walker, Texas Ranger from 1993 to 2001. Yep. How did that show last that long? Yeah. How? I do not know. Agree.
Shawn: That's all I can
Adam: say. Yeah, agree. I feel like this is the first time he appears in the hat too, the Texas Ranger hat. He doesn't wear it in breaker breakers, no, but what do we have before that I, for
Shawn: good guys? Good guys. Wear it black? No. A force of one? No. The Octagon. No, I, for an I. Of course not. So yeah, this would be
Adam: first. All right, there you go. That would be first appearance of him wearing the hat. That Texas Ranger hat.
Shawn: Yep.
Adam: Iconic.
Adam: Absolutely. Yeah. It defined his career after a certain point.
Shawn: That
Adam: kind of Moy period.
Shawn: Norris is just the normal dude, Kinda like a lot of the everyday action guys. He wasn't ultra buff, but he kicked ass, so that's what made him great. I never looked at Norris in the same level as a Schwarzenegger or Stallone or the long GRNs of the world, van dams.
Adam: Yeah. He wasn't larger than life.
Adam: Yeah, exactly. He was definitely down to
Shawn: earth. Yeah, exactly.
Adam: Exactly. Yeah. Just the way he came off, he's was not an actor.
Shawn: Yeah, exactly. Just mind you have
Adam: somebody's dad. He was the every guy. Yeah, absolutely. He made you believe, right? He wasn't every man
Shawn: for sure. Yeah, for sure. Yeah.
Adam: Oh, I read that he had no problem doing the action scenes in this film. But when it came to the love scenes Yeah. He was a little uncomfortable.
Adam: Didn't wanna
Shawn: do it,
Adam: The director was like, Hey, just have fun with it. Just have a conversation. Just
Shawn: his of action. Just not action in the sheets in the bedroom. In the bedroom.
Adam: I
Shawn: don't,
Adam: it came out and the director said that some of those scenes are his favorite scenes in this film.
Shawn: Yeah. The Tinder moments. So
Adam: that's what he said. I don't know. Not mine. Wait, these are the director's moments. The director said that some of those scenes are his favorite moments. The little conversations that they have. Hi, the pillow talk. Sure. Sure. Why not? He's giving it up.
Adam: He's giving up for Norris.
Shawn: Yeah. Nora's kicking ass. That's a given. So you get the right, the tenderness is something you don't see every day, so That's true.
Adam: And you didn't see it in this movie really? Not really. You see the wilderness.
Shawn: It's true. You got the girl though
Adam: that's what counts.
Adam: Yeah. So Steve, first, how weird is he in this movie? He's very
Shawn: weird. Like dream team weird.
Adam: Yeah, dream team. Weird. Exactly. Oh yeah. He seems like he's in another movie. I know he is meant to be the comedy relief, but then when he tells that story about when he kills the dog, what is going on there?
Adam: It's, It's so awkward. They're sitting in the car, the two of them, and. Steve first decides to unload on Norris for no reason about how he killed a dog. And he's still guilty over it.
Shawn: Yeah. It was weird. So it just random.
Adam: Apparently Steve first actually made that monologue up. That was a my, oh, I was gonna say who wrote it. So yeah, steam First did actually, he came up with ite. Yeah. It was all improv in that scene. Weird though. Yeah.
Shawn: He was just trying to work it so this is the guy, maybe it played better in the eighties. Just saying. Good. I just being honest, I don't know. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Good cop, bad cop type of thing. Are we
Adam: all super sensitive now? I don't know. I think I probably even thought that was weird back then. Sure. This is a guy that, he started out in Animal House.
Adam: Yep. And then was that guy in all those sex comedies. Yep. And he was in Scavenger hunt. Yeah. He was in Midnight Madness. Yep. Up the creek. Up the creek. And he was in class reunion by the same director.
Adam: There it is. Yeah. There it is.
Shawn: So he had a good rapport.
Adam: The director, Michael Miller also said that he didn't see this as a slasher film. He saw it more as a Frankenstein type of film, which is why you got William Finley in there as like the, mad scientist type of guy.
Adam: I could see that, but it totally plays like a slasher film. I agree. I agree. I don't, yeah. Yeah
Shawn: it could be. Or. What was initially envisioned to what actually was presented on screen was totally different. For me personally, it didn't like for you too, it didn't play that way. Yeah,
Adam: not at all. Definitely felt like Halloween meets kung fu,
Shawn: right? Yeah, exactly. From the jump from the opening sequence.
Shawn: You have the, basically this, like you said, Michael Meyers slasher motif only as an adult, not a child so
Adam: what did you like about this film as a kid
Shawn: just. You don't really think about this stuff. I just wanna see Chuck Norris kick ass. It creeped me out as a kid too, I'm watching action movies. I'm not thinking Chuck Norris in a horror film. It was just
Adam: different, yeah. That's what I think I really responded to. Yeah. Was that it was so different for
Shawn: him. Exactly. And there's action scenes, but it's not it's like action packs.
Shawn: Yeah. At least in my opinion, all
Adam: they did throw that whole biker gang in there just for him to beat their Yes. Yeah. It's true. For no reason. That's true. I'm really not sure why they're there to begin
Shawn: with, that one I probably watched, that was a later Chuck Norris for me.
Shawn: I obviously saw it when I was fairly young, but that wasn't your it wasn't a heavy, yeah, it wasn't a gateway. It wasn't heavy. Rotation at
Adam: all. So yeah, this movie's never been in heavy rotation
Shawn: for Norris. Yeah. It was no Delta Force or, yeah. Invasion USA missing, inactive.
Adam: Although you would think because it was produced by his company that they would've pushed this one harder. Yeah. But I I also read that after he saw it at the premier, he disowned it. He was embarrassed by how CD it was. I could see that so much nudity and so much, violence.
Shawn: It's definitely darker for him, he went dark, so Yeah, they did, goes dark. That's not a, that's not his necessarily
Adam: forte. It's weird to me to think that what, we come to Noah as Norris. Started here. This was their first shot and they were like, okay, we're gonna do this.
Adam: Yeah. So they must have thought this was gonna be the winning formula. Yeah.
Shawn: It feels a little bit to me, like a Bronson film I'm thinking classic and it's not even close to being as good, no disrespect, as 10 to midnight. Hey,
Adam: I love 10 to Midnight. I really do maintain to Midnight's Classic. Yeah, that's a really good point.
Shawn: But it reminds me a little bit of Tendon Midnight in a sense. Obviously this one has a little bit more of the supernatural elements to it and everything. Yeah,
Adam: I'm definitely in the Lasciviousness, so yeah, it's like definitely as dirty as that film is.
Adam: Yeah. Although you don't have a guy running around naked, but Exactly. Yeah. So exactly. For the, the last half of the film, that dude just completely naked. Completely naked around. Exactly.
Shawn: I had seen so many other Norris films that were just straight up action movies that was like, whoa, this is weird for Chuck Norris to be in a pseudo horror film.
Adam: And yeah. Look, it took him, what, six more years to do another one and basically here on The Terror is a remake of this film.
Adam: Yeah, without the genetic mutation thing.
Shawn: Yeah. Here on the Terror. I saw that late too. They just weren't in the Norris rotation that I watched back in the day. It's definitely more of his just straight up action martial arts movies.
Adam: Yeah. Yeah. It definitely was the out outliers of his career pretty much.
Adam: Exactly. It's, but I think that's what drew me to it. I also really like the ending of the film too. The way he dispatches the guy that can't be killed, like you can't kill him, can shoot him, you can stab him. It doesn't matter. You can set him on fire. They said one of the biggest stunts in the film was setting this dude on fire.
Adam: And at that point, no one had been set on fire, like 75% of their body burn. Oh, wow. That was the first time they had ever done it was for this film. Really? Yeah. Wow. So it was a big stunt for them. It was badass. It was a great shot. .
Adam: Yep. And he kicks 'em in that freaking well. Yeah. At the end. And they talked about doing a silent rage too, because the guy isn't dead technically. He so he can escape at any point. Yep. But I think that Norris was just not super interested in it.
Shawn: It doesn't surprise me, especially, like I said, he was not really receptive to it after it came out.
Shawn: Yeah. Probably wanted to do Delta Force too.
Adam: it was still a financial success for them though, yeah. That's probably why he went back to here on the Terror eventually. Yep. They probably had to convince him after a few films, Hey, that formula worked.
Adam: It's true. Should try it again.
Shawn: Revisiting silent Rage definitely made me wanna go back and look at a lot of norris's stuff. So on a pseudo Norris kick, recently watched I for an eye force vengeance force of one, so cold of silence, so I've.
Shawn: I say that yeah, that's a good, that equates a good that's a good run right there. Yeah exactly.
Shawn: For sure. Do you ever give your full top five? Top three, Chuck Noo. I did. You only gave two. Okay, so hit me.
Adam: Hit me. Delta Force is fun. That force great.
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah. That bike, Delta Force is arguably, when I thought about it, I was like, man, does it overtake Invasion usa?
Shawn: But I'm gonna go,
Adam: no, it doesn't for me. It doesn't. Yeah. But it might be a close second or third. Yeah. I love the bike. He rides at the end with the missiles and stuff. Oh, it's amazing. Yeah. It's so awesome. Yeah. You got Lee Marvin
Shawn: in it for crying. Yeah.
Adam: Delta Force Two, not so much cuz he dies at the beginning.
Adam: Yeah.
Shawn: It's all the kids, right? And his son. Yeah.
Adam: Yeah. His
Shawn: son takes over. Yeah. What about you got Code of Silence? You heard Code of Silence Guy? I do.
Adam: That's the one with the robot, right? Yeah.
Shawn: Yeah. You got Lone Wolf McQuaid. I liked Lone Wolf. McQuaid Force Vengeance. I don't even remember that.
Shawn: Not terrible. Yeah. I, for an
Adam: I don't remember that one. Octagon I remember.
Shawn: Force of one. He's the kickboxer. Yeah. Good guys wear black. It's classic. Breaker. Breaker.
Adam: Yeah. That's when he drives. That was the number one movie, the Box. It's a weird ass movie. Kill Star Wars. It's a weird movie though.
Adam: It's a weird movie. Yeah. And yeah, I just don't buy him as a truck driver Really? Yeah. And all.
Shawn: Yeah. I just watched that movie last year for the first time. For the first time. I'd never Oh, really? Seen Breaker Poker year. Okay. Yeah. Never
Adam: seen it. Yeah. That ending is really weird when he drives his truck through that entire town.
Adam: Yeah. I'm just like, what is Hap Is it like trying to be like, I think it's like Hicks exploitation. Like Convoy,
Shawn: is it supposed to be playing off Convoy? Yeah. I feel
Adam: like it's that kind of southern fried exploitation type thing. Yeah.
Shawn: I didn't know it was like the number one movie prior to Star Wars, so there you go.
Shawn: And then it just went away. Star Wars knocked that off, it just went away. Yeah. Chuck Norris. What a guy.
Adam: Seriously. What a guy. Seriously. He is, he's awesome.
Shawn: I always wished Chuck Norris would've been in a show, Kazuki film, one of the Ninja movies.
Shawn: Oh, that would've been awesome. I thought they just, because those universes seem like they could have coincided so well, the Norris verse and the
Adam: show Kazu. I think they don't really overlap because show was part of Cannon up to a certain point.
Shawn: Remember? But they could have cuz they felt so, like the way they were shot and everything.
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah. I think they could have been intertwined seamless. Chuck could have just bounced into a show cause
Adam: Yeah. But show bounced out of Cannon because of ninja three, the domination. He thought he should have been a star of. Instead of the pics and yeah. And then they were like, no, we're gonna do a female star in this and you can be the bad guy.
Adam: And he is no, I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore. And so he bailed and then he did Ra, your Honor. Yeah. Which basically felt like all of those movies. It did. It did. But he no longer worked for Canada at that point. And I think that's when their relationship with him started with Chuck Dorris.
Adam: With Dorri. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So I think they never really overlapped.
Shawn: Gotcha. Gotcha.
Adam: That's a shame. Yeah. Cuz I think show was like early Cannon got him off the ground and then he left and they looked for other people. That's why they made American Ninja not surprising.
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah. Not surprising.
Shawn: Those movies
Adam: are terrible by the way. They don't
Shawn: hold up. No. I remember think American Ninja was the coolest thing when I was in fifth or sixth grade, wherever grade it was when I came, I was like, wow, this is amazing. Yeah. Didn't really hold up. Unfortunately, Ducoff took a hiatus in the middle of that series too, and then came
Adam: back.
Adam: But yeah, he was not in three. Yeah. And he came back and then he came back in four, four or five. Yeah. Yeah. And then five was a kid's movie. Yeah. I don't think Judah's in that one either. I don't think anybody's in that one.
Shawn: Yeah. I don't,
Adam: it was actually not, they blur out after two in five.
Adam: It was not actually made as an American Ninja movie. They just slapped the name on it. Actually, I think I knew that it when Cannon was dying and they were like, okay, we need some money, so let's slap this name on there. Sure. Yeah, sure.
Adam: I love Cannon movies though.
Adam: Yeah. I honestly do, whenever I see a Cannon logo come up, I'm like, yes,
Shawn: absolutely. That defines the eighties, late seventies, eighties, I think late seventies, but like definitely the eighties. So it's Cannons was
Adam: amazing. Yeah. You're a VHS, HBO o kid like me.
Adam: Yeah. And so we were raised by those films. Absolutely. Like To me those were as good as any blockbuster film put out by a Oh yeah.
Shawn: Yeah. To this day they have very much an influence on my style of writing and just what I like to watch, yeah.
Shawn: And prefer I like my action movies to be a little dirty, I don't like it all to be polished and marvel or lit like the
Adam: John, I like the John Wick
Shawn: movie. Exactly. Hopefully, with the idea of John Wick and the Scott Atkins, the movies, and Marco Za, there's guys out there that make these kind of movies.
Shawn: They just don't have the budgets. They don't have the budgets and that's so niche. The audience has to go seek them out. Like it still amazes me. I'll have conversations. One, people don't know who Scott Atkinson is. Cause I think he should be a household name personally, even though he is not.
Shawn: Yeah. But what weighs me even more sometimes is I've talked to people recently, they don't know what the rate is. And to me, that just blows my mind. Yeah. Yeah. It's wow. I talk to people that have seen John Whi before. And they think it's like one of the best action movies I've ever seen. It's oh, have you seen the Raid? No. What's that? I've literally had a handful of conversations just wow. Yeah, you need to watch that movie. If you have not, if you let John Wick, how can you, this will blow your mind.
Shawn: Exactly. Or just go back and like I said, there's the eighties, the nineties to an extent. There's a lot of good stuff there.
Adam: I've been into some Hong Kong films like crazy lately. Yeah. And I just discovered an early chaung fat film called Coppo Long is the name of it, but it was also called Tiger on the Beat.
Adam: Here. That movie's freaking amazing. It's like Lethal Weapon. Good. Oh wow. Yeah. No joke. It is so freaking good. The action is amazing. It's funny. Great. The Acting's fantastic. It blew me away.
Adam: It has a chainsaw fight at the end. I think action is like one of those, there's so many movies out there. That you can dedicate your life to watching them and still discover new
Shawn: gyms all the time. Oh, yeah.
Shawn: Without question. Yeah. I still find old movies that I'm like, wow, how did I miss this?
Adam: And it's such a broad category too. There's so many kinds of action comes. Oh God.
Shawn: Yeah. Whatever you need. Exploitation, action movies, martial arts, action, movies, action, horror, action thrill, yeah. That's John. It's go, it's
Adam: endless. I'm recently discovering the movies directed by Samo Hung. I knew yeah. Who he was because of Martial law over here. He came over and did that TV series, but I was always like, who is this guy? I didn't understand and I've just gone back and watched.
Adam: The movies he directed are freaking amazing, and he made. Not only Jackie Chin, but Yon B too. And I was just like, wow. I had never even heard of Yon Bau before. And now I cannot get enough of his movies. They're so freaking good. Amazing. Yeah. Amazing. And he's the guy, he was like the Coppola over there.
Adam: He made it first right in the Shaw brothers. And he brought up all the people that he, went to school with and learned with and put him in all of his movies. And his first directorial debut, he put his buddy Yoon Bau in it because he knew he could do all the martial arts. And it's freaking amazing Knockabout.
Adam: It's so good. I gave that four stars on letterbox. It's just wow, where have these movies been all my life?
Adam: Yeah. I'm just discovering them now they're made 25, 30 years ago. That's so crazy to me. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know that it's still out there. There's just so much to discover. Oh,
Shawn: there is. Exactly. Like the keynote movies I show you earlier is just have I never seen that?
Shawn: Was it Stunt Rock? Yeah, stunt Rock. Have I, I watched that trend. I was like, how did I miss this? I don't even know if it's good, but like, how did I miss this? Cuz it just, it looks awesome. And as a kid or a young adult, I would've Ate that shit up. I was like, how did this not get on my radar ever until Tuesday?
Adam: It's wild. It's it makes no sense. It's literally just a bunch of awesome stunts and rock music. Yeah. No,
Shawn: it sounds amazing. It's badass. Yeah. Can't wait. Yeah. It's just like when you deep dive into people's photographies, you go into a Burt Reynolds kick, you find some, just some gyms like, oh wow.
Shawn: How do I miss impasse, yeah. And stuff like that. It's like, how do you miss that stuff? Yeah.
Adam: Directors too. You, any director that you pick, say Frankenheimer or something like that. Yeah. There's three or four movies I haven't seen.
Shawn: Yeah.
Shawn: Milius, perfect example, both writer and director. It's amazing. What like Dillinger. So yeah. Stuff like that, it's like you just forget. You just
Adam: find stuff. Yeah. And it's all about the deep dive. And you're like me, we are always digging for stuff. Oh, absolutely.
Adam: I'm not happy with the top 100. I gotta see Yeah. Crazy stuff that no one else has heard of. Absolutely. That's what I love, yeah. And I love having a friend where I can be like, dude, have you seen this? No, I haven't seen that. Here I'll loan it to you. You gotta see it. And then you're like, dude, have you seen this?
Adam: Like a Benjamin, that's a perfect one. I probably would never have watched that. And I love action movies. I love Scott Atkins. I probably still would never have watched that movie. Yeah. Without your recommendation. And Boyk Undisputed fourth. Same deal. Probably would never watch him.
Adam: First of all, it's the fourth part of a series. Yeah. A relaunch of the fourth part of the series. Yeah. Which I've only ever seen the first one of, I probably would never have watched that movie without your recommendation and it was so worth it. No, absolutely. So freaking good. Absolutely.
Shawn: That's the great thing about streaming too. I know a lot of people have issues with streaming, but it's just the world that they can open up with finding these movies. They're available more so they, even back in the day with video stores, it's you can find it out there.
Shawn: You gotta seek it. Sometimes
Adam: you, I think like anything you have to seek it. You actually, honestly, so a lot of times when I'm looking for a specific movie, it's not available streaming
Shawn: anymore. No. Some of the stuff's pretty hard to get.
Adam: Which is why I'm still a huge proponent of
Shawn: physical media.
Shawn: Mean it depends also like what your tolerance level is I guess cuz stuff you can't even find on DVD Blu-Ray 4k, yeah. You can find rips on YouTube sometimes the quality is very lacking. I'll take it
Adam: though. But you gotta take it if it's the only way you can see it.
Adam: If it's the only way you
Shawn: can watch it. Yeah, exactly. It's I just recently watched Blood Sport too, and it was only available basically on YouTube, I think there was a dvd, but it's did you watch that
Adam: one? What was it called?
Shawn: Oh, I know what you're talking about.
Adam: True Vengeance
Shawn: The other yeah, it's same
Adam: guy.
Adam: Yeah, same guy.
Shawn: Daniel Bernhardt.
Adam: I watched it. It's not great. The action scenes are Okay. It's not a lost treasure Treasurer, but the action scenes are way better than they should be for that level of filmmaking.
Adam: Yeah. Not a lost gym, but Right. It's where I it's worth your
Shawn: time.
Shawn: Gotta set two of those movies to find the gold too. And then, like I said, those movies have their merit though too, cause it's like they do. That was a whole nineties thing, was the fighting genre run, especially the big and the nineties after Blitz sport. And,
Adam: That's when it started go down budget wise though.
Adam: Oh yeah. I've been watching a lot of. Rock, Cynthia Rothrock movies lately. And I love Cynthia Rothrock. I think she's actually quite a good actress and she's a badass. Absolutely. I even got Charlotte on her.
Adam: She loves Cynthia Rothrock films. We've been watching a lot of those lately and they've been putting 'em out Nice. Versions finally. Awesome. Sworn to vengeance and the Tiger Claw series. Yeah. Charlotte watched a bunch of those with me. Nice. No China O'Brien yet though.
Adam: Really? Yeah. One and two haven't come out yet. That's interesting. Yeah. So yeah, Marshall Law, those are also another series that she was in. And the movies, you can always tell they're like lower budget. But there's always like one or two really good fight sequences in it.
Shawn: Yeah, she was great.
Adam: I've really just rediscovered all of her Hong Kong stuff. Have you seen that stuff? I have not, but you told me about it. It's so much better than her American stuff. Yeah. Just the direction is awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, they just announced lady Dragon is coming out soon.
Adam: Oh, nice. I've heard to that one. Really psyched about that one. Yeah. But yes, madam is really good. Okay. Highly recommend that one. Gotcha.
Adam: Sweet. Yeah. Anyway. Oh, brother. I don't really ever say the whole, like the, you can reach us at perf damage and all that. I might just call Charlotte, have her phone it in for this one.
Adam: Okay. So I don't have to say it. There you go. And I'll just cut it in.
Shawn: Hey, this has been great. Once again thank you guys for listening and look out for night games.
Shawn: Late summer hopefully early fall should be a really good horror thriller film. So it's produced and directed and co-written by Lawrence Aza. And he's done a great job, so look out for it. We'll keep you posted with all the dets.
Adam: Yeah, we'll definitely keep you posted on that one. Sweet. All right, everybody. Thanks for joining us here on, on Peram.
Adam: So I was on the set of Entourage right once when he was there, and Busey was the most unhinged person I'd ever been around at that point. It was a really awesome experience. He would walk behind a pretty female extra and then fart. And then blame it on her. Like he would like point at her and embarrass her really bad.
Adam: It was right. It was the most ridiculous thing. I was like, why are you doing this? He was just entertaining himself.